can someone please get the firefighters??

QUICK SIDENOTE!! Are firefighter SUPER hAWt or are they flaming hAWt?!?!?

Okay so someone please call 9-1-1 because why…. PARIS IS BURNING hunny bunny that shit is on fire.

This documentary has really opened up my eyes (and wallet because they are ALL about to get sued for using my trade marked words) to a struggle completely different than mine.  Whose is worse?? Probably mine… some bitch Bethany bought the last bottle of champagne at brunch so I could NOT have my daily mimosa )))):  it totally destroyed my day because I had to order a sangria instead and just ugh she is garbage.

OH! And my little spawns came up to me last night asking where the nannies were like those women were their mom’s like ummm excuse me- I am the one who went through so much pain (AND WEIGHT GAIN!!) not the nannies! Ugh I can NOT believe those things would say that to me, do they even realize I am the one that pays for their trainers and surgeries OH and do NOT even forget about all of those underage drinking bailouts.  How old are my kids?? Umm well one just learned about the Missions in school and the other is filling out applications for college?? I think??? I do NOT know I would have to ask one of the nannies for conformation.

I, just like the people in Paris is Burning,  also have an alter ego! She’s not better than me (nobody is) but she’s the only one who comes remotely close. Everyone meet Posh, who is just like me but lives on the Upper East Side and (LUCKY BITCH!) has no kids! And is married to an attorney that also owns a diamond vault (and he may or may NOT get me tons of diamonds all the time).  Posh wears STRICTLYYY fur (sorry PETAAAAA it is just SOOOO stylish!!!).  Posh is so Manhattan Chic, she’s extremely lean with a sleek figure for those body con casual dresses.  She ALWAYSSS wears her dagger deals so she can cut a bitch (or druggie) if they get too close to her or her mans.


Pictured above is Posh with her besties fuCKIng Shit UPPPP on a Tuesday night (every night is a Saturday night when you do NOT have to work! Take notes babes.)

By allowing myself to have an alter ego such as Posh, it allows me to incorporate all of my wishes and dreams that I can NOT have now (which is NOT much other than being richer, tanner, skinnier, etc).  I can almost TO-TALLY relate to all of those people becaUSE they want to be something better than they currently are and I TO-TALLY respect that!! Nobody should EVAAA settle for something other than their best, and nobody (UNLESS THEY ARE ME!!!) can ever achieve pure perfection and their best self- I was only really able to achieve it because of all the access I have to plastic surgery and how my money supply is endless thanks to trust funds and marrying rich!! LOL

well time for more injections! TA TA FOR NOW BITCHEZ200

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